
Careers at PrimerDigital

  1. How should I apply?

  2. We prefer applications by email although applications by post are also accepted. Applications sent by email should be saved in PDF format. Please ensure that the application documents are complete and consist of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, university certificates and letters of references from previous employers where applicable.

  3. I cannot find a suitable position in your on-line job market. Can I still apply?

  4. Yes. You can still apply by submitting an initiative application stating your field of interest, why you are a suitable candidate and why you would like to work for PrimerDigital.

  5. Where should I submit my application?

  6. Please send your complete application to Email:

  7. What is the interview process like?

  8. While there are some differences in the interview process depending on the advertised position, one thing stays the same: every candidate goes through at least one personal interview. The interview is a dialogue process aimed at getting to know you and also introduce you to our people and our work.

Contact us

PrimerDigital Ltd
c/o Helsinki Think Company Viikki
Latokartanonkaari 3
00790 Helsinki, Finland

Note: Product support is not available via telephone in any of the offices.
Free email accounts will not be accepted.