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provides comprehensive analysis of sequence with standard and mixed bases, as well as DNA, RNA, methylated, locked and phosphorothioated bases; tool will calculate the physical properties of the sequence including length, CG content, melting temperature, molecular weight, the extiction coefficient, the optical density (OD), sequence linguistic complexity, primer PCR efficiency, self-dimers and G-quadruplexes detection.

The Analyzer provides the following results:

Type or paste sequence of oligo with universal degenerate DNA code (5'-3'). Results appear instantly in the output fields (lower windows) and update automatically as you make changes to the sequences.
Parameters for calculation of oligonucleotide Tm:Dilution of oligo:
Primer concentration (0.01-5 µM): Target volume (µl):
Total salt (Na+, K+, NH4+, Tris+) concentration (1-1000 mM): Target concentration (µM):
Mg2+ concentration (0-10 mM): Volume of the stock (µl):
Value of the sensivity for primer dimer detection (4-10): MQ water or TE buffer (µl):
Amount of oligo:Preparing stock solution:
OD (A260): Stock concentration (µM):
Mass (µg):
To export the results: select all (Ctrl-A), copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V).

Dr. Ruslan Kalendar

Reference apply to all Web Tools update, if you use it in your work please cite.